Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My story

             Look into my eyes can you FEEL my PAIN. Can you tell that I haven’t had a fairy tale story all my life? Can you see I didn’t always get the things my heart yearn for? The times I had to smile to keep from crying. The times I had to LAUGH out LOUD, to keep from SCREAMING my lungs out. I believe that my trails is what made me to the person I am today. I can look back over my life and think about how I MADE it. A wise woman once told me to carry your cross and at times it may get hard, but keep carrying your cross. I believe when you come to a river, you can lay your cross down and floated to the other side. I want to leave you with a message don’t be ashamed about your past, because you have no control in the matter. I want everybody that’s reading this put a smile on your face, walk with pride in your step, and hold your head up to the sky. No one can bring you down, until you let them. LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE


  1. That was really good u did a wonderful job on that good job

  2. Well done,you put more workmanship in your blog. You give me a good sense of knowing who you are and who you want to be. You also gave good poems, in describing about how and what you feel about yourself and other.

  3. very well done. you could have added a better background
